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Tag: post

  • Welcome To The Laundromat: Body Farm @ Dirty Dungarees

    Welcome To The Laundromat: Body Farm @ Dirty Dungarees

    You might not expect to find yourself rocking out at the laundromat on a Sunday night, but at Dirty Dungarees Body Farm brought the sound, energy, and rage to get the whole place head banging. Dirty Dungarees combines two places you might never think to join: a laundromat and a punk/hardcore venue. It hosts a…

  • Megalopolis: The Best Worst Movie Ever Made

    Megalopolis: The Best Worst Movie Ever Made

    Imagine proposing a movie so dramatic, so opulent and grand, that it destroys your credibility and bankrupts you. It’s something straight out of Poe – or, if you work in Hollywood, a typical pitch meeting. Jodorowsky’s Dune, Tarantino’s Star Trek, Sacha Baron Coen’s Freddy Mercury biopic, any Guillermo del Toro project – the producers shot…

  • Damage Report: Salt @ Dirty Dungarees

    Damage Report: Salt @ Dirty Dungarees

    Ohio emoviolence outfit theyhungusfrompowerlines opened the 9/20 show at Dirty Dungarees, delivering chaotic drum parts played at blinding speeds, similarly eclectic riffs that constantly changed tempo and tone, and violent, violent screaming. In classic emo fashion, the band played their entire set facing the drummer rather than crowd. This did not prevent the dual vocalists…