vol 9 issue 5

Category: Concert Review

  • Wednesday at Ace of Cups

    Words by Rohan Rindani // Photos by Nick Allen JUNE 30 – Asheville band Wednesday is at the end of a 10 week tour, and openers Tenci want you to know they’re about to give it their all – but not before a set from the Chicago folk group blows the audience away. Frontwoman Jess…

  • The Breeders & Horsegirl at KEMBA Live!

    Words + Photos by Jack Foley Unfamiliar with any of their songs or their genre, and only having heard the name transiently, I didn’t know what to expect from the Horsegirl show. The line was about 80 percent Gen X and 10% their children with the remainder being disenchanted twenty-somethings like myself. I braced for…

  • Re:Living a Moment: A Re:Set Concert Series Re:Cap

    Words by Brady Virtue // Images by Jack Foley Ohio, as a state, is inherently funny. It’s the 7th largest state in terms of population, and yet, unless you are from Ohio, you would probably struggle to name one notable thing that resides here. For my hometown friends who go to college in D.C. and…