radio free campus

Author: Ike Nabuife

  • Pushing 40: $ome $kips 4 U

    Pushing 40: $ome $kips 4 U

    Genre: Toronto R&B // Trap Soul // Manchild Pop — [SHAMELESS PLUG] For a kinder perspective on the album, listen to my AROUSE broadcast episode with DJ ISD and Ani Halkatti. —  A few weeks ago, a gift graced my timeline: a clip of Drake sweetly lilting a rendition of Donda’s heartfelt “24” at the…

  • Biting The Hand That Fails To Feed You: Chat Pile’s Cool World

    Biting The Hand That Fails To Feed You: Chat Pile’s Cool World

    Genre: Sludge Metal // Rage Therapy Rock // Doomer Metal Rating: 8/10 Contrary to what you might assume from the title, Chat Pile’s fresh album Cool World crash lands as a response to a very torrid and ‘uncool’ world. A world where our lesser evils ridicule protesters of the current genocide while apologizing for those…

  • The State Of Pop: When The Bubble Pops

    The State Of Pop: When The Bubble Pops

    Part 1 of an AROUSE special series Does pop music really not hit the same? Or do you just miss being 13 years old? Nostalgia – the world’s greatest spice – enriches even the worst struggle meals. The sounds that permeate your formative years inform and develop the palate you’ll carry for the rest of…