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Crate N’ Nook: Björk

What’s up yall! This is Crate n’ Nook, a brand new column dedicated to chill vibes and devious yap sessions. Whether it be about books or music alike, I’ll be writing about my favorite pieces of media so that I can, hopefully, convince you to love ’em just as much as I do.

What better way to debut this column than to debut with a Debut! Björk is a critically acclaimed Icelandic singer and song writer who is hailed to this day as an absolute incredible songwriter. To call her anything else less than an impeccable artist would be an understatement. She weaves narratives intertwined with themes of love, lust, longing, and the human emotion together with unique vocals and sound that absolutely no one can compare to.  

In 1993, Björk released her first studio album, her first recording following the breakup of her previous band, the Sugarcubes. She titled the production Debut, as this marked her first internationally recognized album which pushed Björk into the spotlight. She found herself free to pursue her own identity as an artist, and made the most upheld the opportunity express her creative storytelling as she pleases. While each song is unique, I’d like to highlight a few that truly stand out as the spotlight of the album.

“Human Behavior,” the opening track on this album, details the confusing nature of the way we act around each other. Björk express that although each action we take has no logic or thought behind it, human interaction can be as necessary as it is both infatuating and addictive. We have no map or compass to help us navigate these behaviors or to even make sense of them, but they come as a core part ultimately just the way we are. ‘Human Behavior’ creates a foundational tone for the remainder of the album while harmonizing deep narrative elements with an incredibly funky beat.

‘Venus as a Boy’, one of my favorite songs of all time. It is one of Björk’s magnum opus, even on her Debut album! The passion and lust that oozes from this song makes it so enjoyable to listen to. Björk depicts a longing for a boy who is picture perfect. The boy in the song wholeheartedly believes in beauty to the point where he is consistently compared to Venus, the Romanized version of the Greek god Aphrodite. Björk, while utilizing the hypnotic resonance of the vibraphone, evokes the same sense of attraction and longing that she is actively demonstrating through her lyrics. Side note, some discourse surrounds certain lyrics after the first verse of the song, that being;

“Ól lit glatt á mér;

Ól engin skil er álver”.

The lines are from the Icelandic language and when translated, it means “Oh, look at me happily. Oh, there is no separation, there is an aluminum plant”. Given the unnatural wordplay, many have assumed this line to be straight gibberish or a simply one of Google’s many translation errors. But I’ve managed to make some sense of the interpretation. The aluminum plant can potentially symbolize an unnatural growth in their relationship. There is only a falsified life taking form through her lust for the “perfect boy” in contrast to an authentic and healthy relationship forming.

Moving forward, ‘Big Time Sensuality’ conveys a sense of newfound sense of excitement. Listening to the song feels like the rush you get when you’re getting ready for a night out on the town. New changes are happening and coming fast. It takes courage but you must accept them with wide open arms. You have to roll the good with the bad while accepting the “aftermath of all angles”. Björk desires for all of her listeners to come at their obstacles headstrong without fear or worry. Of course, this messaging is accompanied by the most upbeat, pop-esk rhythm on the album, further encouraging freedom and a flourishing life.  

This album is linked to so many of my deepest, most treasured memories. My first drive alone after I got my license, the walk home after my first date ever, my first time on OSU’s grandeurs campus alone, and many, many others. Throughout all my life, this groundbreaking album has been there for me and with it, my appreciation and love for Björk has grown tremendously. I truly hope you get a chance to listen to this album, or revisit and fall in love with Björk all over again. 


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