vol 9 issue 5

Music Columbus Better Together Showcase @ Summit Music Hall & Cafe Bourbon Street

Words and Images by Jack Foley

The Columbus music scene is something all of us here at AROUSE hold near and dear to our hearts. As someone who is not an Ohio native, I never expected to find such a diverse music scene upon moving to Columbus. Sure, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is here in Ohio, but rarely do we hear about the immense talent in our state, as Ohio is often overlooked when discussing cultural centers. I was acquainted with the punk and hardcore side of the music scene here, but have not ventured much outside, until tonight at the Better Together Incubator Showcase. 

Music Columbus hosted the showcase at the Summit Music Hall and Cafe Bourbon Street, alternating between stages. Music Columbus is a nonprofit composed of wonderful professionals dedicated to assisting artists and music professionals and fostering growth within our city.

The night began with The OG Players, a neo-soul group who have seemingly mastered the art of looping audio tracks in time with their performance. The seasoned duo are no strangers to the music scene in Columbus, having been founded over a decade ago. Their thoughtful lyrics made it clear that the OG is, indeed, short for Observation Generation. The atmosphere they brought to the showcase was unlike any experience I have had, and my eyes have been opened to the sheer variety of music found in Columbus.

The next performer, Greta Bea, is no stranger to AROUSE; she has performed at several AROUSE events, including the Autumn 2022 Variety Show, which was my first introduction to her talent. It is safe to say that Greta is the Phoebe Bridgers of AROUSE; her lyrics are angsty and full of raw emotion, and she tells a story that almost anyone can relate to. Her songwriting skills are impeccable, as is her performance. 

Tiffani Marie’s soulful, bluesy performance was, to say the least, astonishing. Her sound is adjacent to Amy Winehouse, a comparison I do not take lightly. The synergism between her and her backing band is fluid. They approach the blues with a level of class and pomp, along with unwavering time.

Zayne Harshaw is one of the most talented guitarists I have seen in Columbus. His timing and intonation on a cover of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” sounded straight from the master tapes. He knows his way around classic rock, barely looking down at his instrument–muscle memory like this takes years to develop.

A-Go-Go was one of the first bands I ever photographed. They have grown tremendously since I first saw them in an AROUSE member’s backyard in 2021, and even then they pulled an audience, with over a hundred people braving the rain and mud for our fall festival. Since then they have taken stages such as the Newport Music Hall, and even WonderBus Music Festival. Their sound is an amalgamation of jangle pop, folk, and pure rock that is sure to liven up any audience.

A Band Called Dreamland highlights more of the pop side of the Columbus music scene. Their sound is strikingly reminiscent of Columbus natives Twenty One Pilots. Dreamland’s lyrics are frank and candid, putting everything out in the open. They use the stage to magnify their presence; they certainly feel the music they create on a deeper level.

Ebri Yahloe’s energy and messages conveyed through her rap tell a story of the world through her eyes. Songs such as “Fresh Fruit,” “GI Jane,” and “Never Die” cover an array of topics surrounding self-reflection, positivity, and empowerment. Through her exuberant lyrics, we can experience a sample of her life vicariously as she makes use of the stage. She certainly lives by the motto “music is the motive,” as her passion for storytelling is evident in her performance.

Dairy Family is a band that I have been meaning to see for some time. I was blown away by their sound; they take elements of jazz and funk and tie them together in a beautiful wall of sound. I found myself smiling; their sound instilled infectious optimism in their audience through a slew of guitar solos, complex chords, and saxophone licks backed by the incredibly talented Nico Linik on drums. They stretch the boundaries of what a genre is, and I find myself vexed trying to put them in a box they will not fit into.  Dairy Family has such a unique sound that left me wanting more; their unconventional approach to music has drawn me and many others in.

The vast showcase of performers blew me away and many of the artists I was exposed to have gained a fan. Columbus is, in fact, a music city, and the acts presented are only a fraction of the talent. If you can think of a genre, it is almost certain to be found in Columbus. Thank you, Music Columbus, for supporting the vast potential of our city’s rich music scene.


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