Since 2010, AROUSE has served campus as Ohio State University’s premier student radio station and cultural magazine. We aim to enrich OSU’s moribund cultural life, and do our best to provide an alternative voice to the underappreciated side of the Agricultural and Mechanical College.
If you want to host your own radio show, write articles for AROUSE Magazine, or just get involved, come to our meetings in Lazenby 034 every other Tuesday at 7:30 PM. Follow us on Instagram at @arouseosu for more information on meeting dates and times. We’ve currently scheduled our next meeting for 10/27.
AROUSE rejects bigotry and harassment of all kinds. To share any concerns, or to report harassment or discrimination, please reach out to a member of the executive board.

You can reach us at arouseosu@gmail.com for general inquiries, or at arouseosueditors@gmail.com for submissions/inquiries related to AROUSE Magazine. You can also talk to us on Instagram at @arouseosu.

Ophelia Kruse – President
Mary Polemeni-McGovern – Vice President
Caroline King – Treasurer
Cora Hernandez – Marketing Director
Abby Almaguer – Director of Events and Fundraising
Carter Langston – Broadcasting Director
Rosa Racevskis – Social Media Coordinator
Julian McLaughlin – Head Editor
Myah Bayliss – DEI Coordinator
Nathan Spencer – Secretary